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What is enterprise cloud computing?

Enterprise cloud computing is a computing model in which organizations can access virtualized IT resources via the internet on a pay-per-use basis. Enterprise cloud computing resources include servers, data processing power, data storage, networking infrastructure, virtualization capabilities, and more.

What's the difference between enterprise cloud computing & public cloud computing?

By contrast, enterprise cloud computing allows businesses to get the best of both worlds: a public cloud experience in your own data centre that lets you choose the most appropriate technology for the business, but where workloads and data can be managed in the public cloud when necessary.

What is enterprise cloud & why should you use it?

The enterprise cloud is ideal for large organizations with diverse cloud workloads. No two companies will have the same cloud computing requirements. The enterprise cloud enables the IT department to match workloads to the environment best suited for them, even as conditions and demands change. What belongs on a public cloud goes on a public cloud.

What is a cloud based enterprise application?

The cloud in cloud computing reflects the abstraction of underlying infrastructure, as users access services and data over the internet without needing to know the specific physical locations or details of the servers hosting those resources. What is cloud-based enterprise application?

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